- Don’t attempt to prepay real estate taxes early because unless the taxes have been assessed, they will not be an allowable deduction. Remember, there is a new cap of $10,000 on property and income taxes or sales taxes, whichever you choose to deduct.
- If your income is below $36,900 taxable, then consider selling and producing capital gains up to this amount since the capital gains would be taxed at 0%.
- The amount you can gift has increased from $14,000 to $15,000 and a gift made on 12/28/18 could be buttressed by also giving $15,000 to start a gifting program as long as no other gifts were made during the year.
Contact us today to learn more about how we can work together on your next project.
8:00 AM - 5:15 PM
During Tax Season
8:00 AM - 8:00 PM
9:00 AM - 3:00 PM